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Old 05-21-2011, 04:47 PM
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just another follow up...

i got two more emails from Nick (minialbert)

I haven't checked to see if the models have been removed from eBay, but i did get an apology
and an explanation that he did not completely understand the ethics and legalities of "selling" printed models in this manner.

He claims ignorancy, stating that he believed a "free" internet model meant he could sell printed copies.

As we have said before, we must respect and credit responses and efforts to fix things, just as much as we fight to get our message across.

I definitely didn't sugar coat my opinions with him and maybe thats a necessary approach to get the point across?
but hopefully he understands that I am only interested in protecting the interest of fellow modellers.

I did invite Nick to come and view this forum and thread (which I think he did).
He sent a bunch of questions about paper models and copyright issues...
I am going to suggest he join up and post those questions here.

The world didn't end today...but we might have made a convert!
Or, my models at ecardmodels: Dave'sCardCreations
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