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Old 03-16-2012, 09:28 PM
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Hudsonduster Hudsonduster is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Brooklyn, New York
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Yah, the Guillows lineage showed right away. Flyers tend to "see" things like that. My squadron partner liked to say, "Plans are how modelers TALK to each other"--and it's true. We look over plans and see how this structure or that stress area is addressed, how somebody deals with the needs of flight over the strictures of scale--

--And flyers know when something's worth paying attention to; like, f'rinstance, you.

This subject is less aircraft than topological anomaly! and you've tackled those shapes with aplomb. Yes it's heavy and yes you'll be hard put to get more than ballistic behavior and now isn't the time for second thoughts on that, there's something far more important here: you have just blown right past some 95% of flyers just by tackling the project from scratch, and you are taking your hobby to a different level; and I applaud!

What's gonna be fun is to see what you take forward from this one. Hope I'm around to watch.

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