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Old 08-05-2013, 02:47 AM
Rupert Cordeux Rupert Cordeux is offline
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Originally Posted by kenlwest View Post

In reading Diderick's posting, it seems obvious to me that this is a misunderstanding - he states that he is in cooperation with you. If this is not the case, why do you choose to rant in public forum?? A private message to Diderick would seem more appropriate, especially since he acknowledges your work and his desire to preserve it.

I apologize if I am missing something. I am a designer as well, and I respect your right to protect your work.

The reason I "rant" in a public space is that everyone here, not just Diderick, needs to understand that if they even unknowingly deal in unauthorised copies of my copyrighted art work, then that also is against the law. It is that simple. Diderick also states that I get a good deal. I don't. If I am to be continually be deprived of rightful income in this way, I will go out of business and no longer be able to add to my oeuvre. I don't want to alienate people like you at all. I am sorry if I seem to rant but for a normally, mild-mannered person, I am pretty angry at the moment.
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