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Old 10-16-2016, 12:20 PM
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Gil Gil is offline
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The Fine Art of TIG


Great to hear that you are taking the plunge into the fine art of TIG - by far the most beautiful of all the welding arts. Take your time and seek out others who have already mastered the art with skill. You will manufacture a lot of scrap on the course to becoming proficient.

Suggest you use a "D" tube for your wing spar and leading edge. In fact take a look at the original V1 construction - amazing that any of them ever worked considering the amount of vibration generated. Also think about how to mount the engine through a shock absorbing mechanism. Notice how delicately I fudged the idea of mounting a red to white hot glowing tube to the fuselage through rubber mounts? The only thing louder are Pulse Detonation Engines - they really take the cake when it comes to making unbearably loud noise. Want to get noise complaints in your neighborhood when your nearest neighbor is 40 miles away? Just fire off a PDE...,

I'll be following your Pilgrim's progress and wish you the best of luck in your pursuit,

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