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Old 04-16-2018, 08:30 AM
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airdave airdave is offline
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Young people are interested in paper models.
But they are less interested in WW2 aircraft, than Star Wars figures.

So, it is as pointless as me asking why more WW2 Ship fans aren't building my Lost in Space models?

The advances in technology are mind boggling.
I love realistic virtual world gaming.
I even enjoy playing Gin Rummy on my phone.

Its true, the phone and tablet have become and mind altering distraction to many
and have killed many hobbies and other interests like scale modeling.
Gone are the days of solitary model building and all those other things we did quietly alone in our bedrooms. wink wink
Now we sit alone in our rooms playing on our phones. wink wink

LOL In some ways, its not that different.

But, technology has also spawned an odd occurence.
Sports and physical activities have been given a renewed life.

I would argue that in the last 10-15 years, there has been a resurgence in physical activity and healthy lifestyle as a result of the addiction to our phones and tablets.

My Daughter can't go anywhere without her smart phone (her primary internet connection and lifeline)
But she also has one of those Fit Bit wrist watch thingies.
She is obsessed with amassing a ridiculous number of steps each day and burning calories.

And now, after 10 years of serious facebook, instagram and messaging she has joined a gym.

So you see, modern technology has gotten her into shape.

Me...sitting in front of a computer all day long as almost killed me. LOL

err. what were we talking about?
Or, my models at ecardmodels: Dave'sCardCreations