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Old 11-22-2020, 04:36 PM
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Originally Posted by phuocdh View Post
PaperMaker now has svg export capability, though I do not really know if the exported svg is good enough to work with since I do not usually use svg myself :p

One of my test subjects consists of a many faceted globe sliced horizontally into 12 bands. Using the new feature I exported the sliced up globe as an .svg file, pulled it into Inkscape, and converted the faceted line segments into true circular arc segments. Redrawing went much more quickly and the resulting globe, when built up, was significantly more accurate. One band has a small shape problem, very probably my error, which I hope to correct tonight. All bands had very small length issues which probably occur because line thickness accounts for enough error to throw things off. I am hoping to work out best practices for that issue as well.

I would like to draw your attention to four small quirks of the program.

First, after slicing up a three dimensional object, the feature buttons in the upper left hand corner of the layout window get in the way of laying out parts on the export page.

Second, when exporting as an .svg file, everything gets exported, not just the parts on the layout page. In other words, the entire workspace exports, not just the parts on the paper template in the upper left hand corner. This may be exactly what you intended but I only expected the parts on the paper. This quirk had absolutely zero impact on my ability to work with the resulting parts in Inkscape.

Third, when exporting as a .svg file, it appears PaperMaker throws out scaling values and reverts to original scaling values. I only tried this once so it may have resulted from my user error. I scaled my original globe from 200mm to 101mm, sliced it up, arranged the parts on the paper in the upper right hand corner, exported, and ended up with very large parts from the entire workspace.

Fourth, after cutting up parts and when arranging them for export, the line cut feature constantly activates, making it very difficult to select and move a part. Further, if I accidentally cut a part, I could not figure out how to undo my cut. All of this was very probably my user error.

I am really enjoying playing with PaperMaker but please keep in mind I am learning Blender, Inkscape, and PaperMaker at the same time. Sometimes I forget or confuse hotkeys resulting in some very interesting and dramatic errors. :o

Anyway, keep up the great work and I hope some of that helps.
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