View Full Version : RIP Steve Jobs...

10-05-2011, 11:18 PM
Thanks for The Awesome Mac... Thanks for Apple I.... God Blessed

10-06-2011, 07:25 AM
Thank you for Finding Nemo, Ratatouille, Cars

10-06-2011, 08:36 AM
THank You for my first taste of using a computer, the Apple II.. I will never forget the fond memories..

10-06-2011, 10:44 AM
thanks for the ipod touch and ipad

10-06-2011, 11:35 AM
Thanks for making the only computer that didn't have me cussing and swearing and pounding on my keyboard within 30 minutes of starting it up. I miss those days

10-07-2011, 07:16 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/296071_10150342118654231_750619230_7949491_3874056 73_n.jpg

Paper Kosmonaut
10-07-2011, 12:14 PM
Thanks Steve, for your wisdom. May you rest in peace.

10-07-2011, 12:15 PM
So does this mean Bill Gates won?

too soon?

Paper Kosmonaut
10-07-2011, 12:22 PM

10-07-2011, 12:26 PM
I could not believe how many messages I saw on Facebook yesterday about Steve's passing. Normally, a corporate head passing away would only effect those tied to that company, and would hardly make the news, definately not the world news.

It just shows the impact that one person can make on the world. Did he personally create all of the wonderful devices that many of us own and use daily? No. But he did give birth to their ideas and found a way to motivate his team to push the limits of what was known. Millions around the world have been impacted by his decisions and ideas. That is powerful.

I have felt his impact for most of my life. The very first computer I used was an Apple II. I've used nearly every Apple computer system created since then, owning 4 personally. Not to mention the iPods I've owned.

Whether or not you like Apple products or even the man himself, there's no denying the impact he's had on all of us in one way or another. Thank you Steve Jobs, for changing the world.

(willygoat steps down from the soapbox now)

10-07-2011, 08:56 PM
I could not believe how many messages I saw on Facebook yesterday about Steve's passing.

I read somewhere that Twitter was generating around 10,000 Steve Jobs related posts per second right after the news broke... :eek:

10-08-2011, 06:18 AM
Ten years ago we had them all;
Steve Jobs, Bob Hope and Johnny Cash,
Now we have no jobs, no hope and no cash

Dave Friesen
10-08-2011, 06:48 AM
Take this with a grain of salt, but I heard the difference between Bill and Steve was that
Bill wanted money and Steve wanted the general public to have something to help them to make life easier in their everyday lives. Sure can't fault a person for that. I believe it may be true because I heard it on radio coming from a man that was a good friend of his.

Dave Friesen
10-08-2011, 06:50 AM
I forgot to mention, this friend of Steve's did not mention that Bill wanted money. That part I'm saying because of the way I saw things unfold.

10-08-2011, 08:01 AM
I forgot to mention, this friend of Steve's did not mention that Bill wanted money. That part I'm saying because of the way I saw things unfold.

Bill Gates is probably the most philanthropic person on the face of the Earth. Jobs was a control freak. The fact that Apple, after so many years, only has 10.7 percent of the PC market as of 2011 states it all. The money came from Cell Phones manufactured in places that work their people to death, literally. All CEO's want to make money, that's their job. That was Job's job, he certain was no "Job"(old testament).

10-08-2011, 12:09 PM
What bothers me the most about Apple is how proprietary their products are =| They try to make it illegal to customize them, trying to fix one will void your warranty (if you could even find the proprietary replacement parts), and if it does break and you don't have a warranty, you have to spend more money to trade it in for a totally new one. Yet at the same time, they have poor quality control. Sounds like quite a scam to me.

Meanwhile, there's tons of companies making hardware for PC's, hardware can be easily and usually cheaply switched out, and there's a much larger community base. It makes me wonder why Macs are successful at all with their overly-proprietary business model =|


10-08-2011, 12:09 PM
Steve's been upgraded to the iCloud!

10-08-2011, 12:15 PM
It makes me wonder why Macs are successful at all with their overly-proprietary business model

Simple by being overly proprietary, everything works out of the box, everything is compatible, upgrades are routine, and patches simple and the systems are more secure.

obviously its not the only way to do things, but It's how they do things, you have the option to do things differently. if you dont like how it is done choose windows, Linux or UNiX, I find something to like in all the methods. Viva la difference!

10-08-2011, 12:36 PM
Simple by being overly proprietary, everything works out of the box, everything is compatible, upgrades are routine, and patches simple and the systems are more secure.

obviously its not the only way to do things, but It's how they do things, you have the option to do things differently. if you dont like how it is done choose windows, Linux or UNiX, I find something to like in all the methods. Viva la difference!

This is a an agreeable statement. It is also supported by 10.7% share Apple computers has. Now that Jobs is gone. I wonder if someone will come up with the idea of selling the O.S. separately. Apple sued the bejesus out of that company that tried to build Apple based computers and Apple won. I wonder how that would go over. Of course to compete, they would have to make everything be compatible to their computers. It would be like starting all over again, maybe they could call it Apple OS 3.1..

Apple's main interest is in their phones and doo dads. Everyone else has caught up it seems according to the latest reviews and Apple is suing everyone else to try and stay competitive. Reminds me of the Wright Brothers.

10-14-2011, 02:14 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/300266_10150351899979231_750619230_8004881_9820363 77_n.jpg

10-14-2011, 02:38 PM
Let's not turn this into a pissing match....Princess Diana also got more coverage than Mother Theresa when she died. I will leave this thread with these two videos:
