View Full Version : star trek 3 enterprise

10-28-2009, 10:31 AM
hi i did a small repaint of the enterprise from star trek 3 before and after being blown up so here it is along with the bird of prey made on microsoft

10-28-2009, 09:33 PM
Would you mind some tips on MSPaint? :)

1) You can make lines straight by holding down shift as you draw them.

2) For softer lines, 'fill in' the pixels on the curves and lines with a color that is between the line color and the color next to it, such as gray between black and white areas.

3) For better blast marks, try progressing from light to dark colors to achieve a graduation in color.

10-29-2009, 05:48 AM
at first I thought "what the heck is all this mess!??!"

but then I thought...

this is great!
this guy is jumpin' in with both feet and trying to create just what he wants
and he's putting it out there for all to see and judge
with no big ego or expectations
just sharing his interest
and sharing his efforts

twelve little gold stars from me!!!!

post the assembled model mchale!

mspaint is a pretty limited program, maybe someone can recommend one of the better, free paint programs that are out there?
I heard that "paint.net" is a good free alternative. (HERE) (http://www.getpaint.net/index.html)
- and try to work with the best initial files...avoid saving and resaving jpegs at lower and lower qualities.

10-29-2009, 07:20 AM
Free programs?

Gimp for raytrace graphic
Inkscape for vectorial graphic
