View Full Version : SD GNY-001 Astraea

12-25-2009, 11:01 AM
Does anyone know where to obtain the model that's shown in this thread?

2 in 1 SD GNY-001 ASTRAEA - ver.水貼版 - 『 纸娱纸乐 』 - PPXCLUB 人工审核注册|0:00-10:00|模拟器|推理剧|琵琶行|纸模|字幕组|金田一|蜡笔 小新|大河剧|NDS|PS|MAME|ISO|ROM|PSP - Powered by Discuz! (http://f.ppxclub.com/105803-1-1)

My hunch is that it can be found at cafe.naver.com/oppaper, but I don't know how to register for that site. I have a naver account, except I can't seem to join this specific page. If anyone could help me out I would be eternally grateful.


01-07-2010, 01:11 PM
Yup, you're right, cafe.naver.com/oppaper. The Korean designers are very discriminating when it comes to allowing access to their models, a little gun shy I would assume.:( Currently you must have been born between 1965 and 1994 to be allowed to join. If you meet that criteria, there is probably a Q&A page (in Korean, of course) that you must fill out. After that it's up to the admin. Since you already have a Naver account, you can't cheat on your age since that is automatically transmitted.:rolleyes:

Sorry I can't be of more help, but I don't meet the criteria for admission.


01-08-2010, 09:40 PM
I would give you more inside information.
Yes the model is still available at One Piece Cafe.
This model's illustator work was done by modeler at Just Paper Cafe called Heyamanshe. There is also the original non mapped version created by OnePiece himself if you looked there.
First you need to sign up with Naver.com. Eventhough there is a option for foreigners to join, Naver doesn't provide how to do that in English.
I hope that changes so non-Korean speakers can get access.
After you join with Naver you can look up for Onepiece cafe and join the Cafe. However joininig isn't done automatically, since you have to answer some questions and wait for the OnePiece cafe to give approval.
If possible, ,make some friend with Korean and help you sign up since all of these process is free of charge.

There is one thing that the OnePiece and Just Paper cafe designers are little sensitive of. That is have the models shared freely to anyone who is not the members of the Cafe. As soon as they find out their models getting shared openly, they will try to have models available through off-line only. If possible, keep the models to yourself.