View Full Version : Searching for paper kits :)

Battlestar Girl
04-18-2010, 06:32 PM
Namaste all.
I am wondering if there is a paper kit of the Le Sabertooth 5000 from the first 'Flintstones' movie?
I have been trying to find one and have had no luck as yet.

Also, are there any Steampunk/-style kits around? I have seen a couple but not many.

Thanks for any help you great modelers you. :cool:


John Bowden
04-18-2010, 09:26 PM
Hmmmmm......... haven't seen that one. (the car or the movie......... man I'm getting old:() but...........

Ashrunner designed some great replicas from the amimated series (I read somewhere that you are not suppossed to call cartoons.... cartoons) maybe we can get him to put on his designing cap again and have a go at this one..........

What do you thing Ash?


04-18-2010, 09:50 PM
Hummm...interesting request.

Battlestar Girl...do you have any images of the Le Sabertooth 5000?

I found one from the net, but a couple of different views would help.

I may have to continue work on the old Maserocki after this one.

Battlestar Girl
04-19-2010, 10:50 PM
Hi Ash.
I have been able to find a total of three images so far. Two of them are from a guy who builds replicars. I can send you those if you like. One is an aft shot, the other is a upper left front shot showing more interior detail. The third one is box art from the Lindberg kit.

I am asking some friends of mine if they have any other shots of the car. Hopefully they do. Or at least screen captures from the actual movie.

I'd love to see something come of this. :D The LeST5K is a cool design.
