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Old 04-28-2010, 09:02 AM
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cgutzmer cgutzmer is offline
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IPMS efforts - contests, chapter and SIG

Well I suppose I should spill the beans on my latest initiative (you guys know I like to keep busy!)

I am in the process of joining IPMS. I am doing this for a few reasons. First I am going to be sponsoring several contests around the country with a special award - Best in Show - Paper Model. It will be a special award so will not prevent competing in other categories! Among these Contests will be the IPMS National Convention. That should get our hobby some visiblity.

To help promote this I will give any model for FREE from my site if the intent of the build is to enter into a show/contest. Upon proof of entering the model I will provide any one model value not to exceed $15 as a thank you. I have to put on this limitation because it does come out of my profits as I still make sure the designer gets paid for these kinds of giveaways.

Second I am probably going to get our own virtual chapter setup. IPMS membership will be required as will a small annual fee as is typical for most chapters. We would be the FIRST virtual chapter and would fall under region 13 - how cool is that!

Third I am also getting a Special Interest Group setup for Paper Modeling. This will be an officially endorsed IPMS group. I have already touched base with the guy that sets these up and he rather likes the idea.

One of the first things I want to work on with our chapter will be setting up judging guidelines. If you have any interest in this or anything to do with the IPMS initiative please let me know!
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