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Old 05-15-2010, 08:22 AM
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Originally Posted by ghshinn View Post
So, you printed it out at 60% or so? Garland
I'm not sure where your getting the 60% value. According to the info on the original model from FG, it is already at 1:46 scale, close but no cigar.

I want it at 1:48 scale so I have to print it a "tiny bit" smaller, because 1:48 is smaller than the existing 1:46 size of the supplied version.

If I look at the two numbers I have to deal with, 46 and 48. How would I divide these 2 numbers to get a number a little smaller than 1?

If I divide 48 by 46 I get 1.04 or 104%.------ 1.04 is BIGGER than 1.

If I divide 46 by 48 I get .958 or 95.8%. ----- .958 is smaller than 1.

Remember I'm looking for the "smaller" number in this case.

So I set my printer to reduce the PDF file to 96%, or 95.8% if your printer will allow it, and it prints at 1:48 scale.

Does this explanation make sense to you? I don't mean to sound like I'm talking down to you, as I'm not sure where your value of 60% came from.

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