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Old 08-19-2010, 10:21 AM
Stev0 Stev0 is offline
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From some videos that I have watched. I'm lead to believe that Lucas really had very little in the actual creation of the original Trilogy. Compare the first three movies made with the latter three just by character development.

If you can explain to someone who has NEVER seen the movies any of the characters with ease. That would be great character development.

Ex. Explain Han Solo to someone who knows nothing about the movies. Then try to explain Qui-Gon Jinn using the same technique. Both characters were played by great actors but in the end...

... you end up describing Han as a Rogue, Loner, Brash, Pilot and your absolutely lost trying to describe Qui-Gon. Don't even get me started with Princess Amidala in the first movie... They might as well have used a cardboard cut out.

The Phantom Menace was the WORST Star Wars movie created. I could go on and on but I would end up ruining it for those who think it was a great movie. If you are interested I could post you links to videos that bring to light how bad this movie was.

In the end. We still have the original trilogy. I have links to video talking about it. The videos are a little crazy and NSFW though due to subject matter.
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