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Old 01-19-2010, 04:19 AM
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lehcyfer lehcyfer is offline
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Command Quality:
CQ1 – Free – Basic Captains of any ship will have this. If a CQ1 Captain is the Admiral he will roll 1D4 in the Initiative Phase.
CQ2 – 10 Points – 1D6
CQ3 – 20 Points – 1D8
CQ4 – 50 Points - 1D10
CQ5 – 120 Points – 1D12
CQ6 – 160 Points – 1D12
CQ7 – 220 Points – 2D8
I got cold shivers reading Command Quality (CQ). It's so fantastically complicated - especially in dice use - 5 types of dice to use for just one roll - depending on the CQ level. The rules dictating the type and number of dices used are so complicated that virtually impossible to learn and remember - meaning you always have to get the rules sheet and check it out.

For starters I believe in simplicity - let's use one type of dice for entire game - best for that is D6 as the most easy to acquire - and if needed multiply or divide it - for example D3 simulated as 1-2/3-4/5-6 results on D6; multiplies - 2D6, 3D6 etc.

Second, the roll itself should be as simple as possible - and the simplest roll is single D6 rolled by each player, with the difference between CQ added to result of higher CQ player. For example if CQ2 and CQ4 players roll for initiative, they both roll a single D6, and the CQ4 player adds 2 (4-2) to his result. Simple as pie, remembered after one, max two games.
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