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Old 03-06-2011, 08:44 AM
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airdave airdave is offline
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hak hook, clamp, clasp
hamulca restraint, brake
i and, also, too
ich there in, there on, this, it, them, thiers
identycznie identical, similar
inne other, different, another
inny other, different, another
jak how, as, if, then
jakie what, which
jako as, by way of
jednak however, yet, still, but, after all, though
jednakowy even, equal, alike
jednoczesnie simultaneously, also
jego thereof, its, his, him, of its, hisself
jest is, is not
jezeli if
kabina pilota cockpit
kabiny cockpit
kadlub fuselage, framework, hull
kadluba fuselage, framework, hull
karton cardboard
kat corner, angle
katem at an angle
katy corner, angle
kawal piece
kawalek bit, morsel, scrap, chunk
kawalka piece, piles, sheets, scraps, bits
kazdej each, respective
kazdy every, each, respective, any
kazdym every, each, respective, any
kierunku direction, course, set
kilka a few, some
kleic glue
klej glue, gluing, cement
klejem glue, gluing, cement
klejenia glue, gluing, cement
kleju glue, gluing, cement
klock block, chunck
klocka block, chunck
kokpit cockpit
kola to knock, to bang, to rattle
kolejno one after the other, in turns, by turn
kolejnosci sequence, order
kolejny next, successive, following
kolejnych next, successive, serial
kolka ring(let)
kolo wheel
komora chamber
komory buckets
komorze chamber
koncowka skrzydla wing tip
konstrukeji construction
korzystamy to profit, to take advantage
kotwica anchor
krawedz edge
krawedzi edge, ribs
krawedzie edge, margin, border
krzywizny curve
ksztalt form, shape, configuration, figure
ksztaltem form, shape
ktora which
ktore which, any, whichever
ktory any, whichever
ktory any, whichever
ktorych on whuch, any, whichever
ktorym on which
kwadratowej square
l. (abbr) left
laczenia union, junction, merger, splice
ladowania to land, to alight
lakier varnish
lakierem varnish
latwiejszy eaiser
lepszego better, improved
lepszy better, improved
lewa left
liczba number, figure, integer, class
liczbie numerical, numerically
linia fine line
liniach ruler, line
linie to draw a line
linii in a straight line
listewki trim, slats, cleats
litera letter
lotka aileron
lotniczych air plane, air base, air
lub or
lufa dziala gun barrel
luku hold
luzno loose, unconnectly, loosely
luzny loose
maksymalna maximum, top, peak-most
maszt mast
maszyna engine
materialow material
mechanizm mechanism, gear, device
mechanizmu mechanism, gear, device
metalowe metallic
metalowy metallic
metoda method
mial dust, powder
miedzy between, amoung
miejsce place, location, spot
miejscu place, location, spot
miekki soft, supple
miekkiego soft, limp
mocna strong
mocnego strong
mocno tight, firm, strong
mocny strong
mocowania fastening, clamping, steadying
mocujemy mount
model model
modelina model
modelu model
montaz assembling
montazowy assembly
montazu assembling
montowac install, put together
montowanym assemble, put together
moze perhaps, maybe
mozemy perhaps, maybe
mozna it is possible, one may, one can
musi to have to, to be compelled to, to be forced
musimy shall, must
musza shall, must
Or, my models at ecardmodels: Dave'sCardCreations
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