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Old 03-31-2012, 12:40 PM
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Vermin_King Vermin_King is offline
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Under the model, and on a base prominently, if you decide to do the model, state your belief and purpose for the model. You expressed it very well above. Some people would not build the base, if their views didn't mirror your own, and they can always GIMP out your words on the model itself. But it will be there.

We should never forget the atrocities of this world. It is a fine line to create a memorial without creating a shrine, if you know what I mean. I heard this week that Hitler's parents' tombstone is being removed to prevent pilgrimages to the site. It's a shame that there will always be those that are consumed with hate and have no conscience when it comes to others.

But like your message on the Berlin Wall, you could do something similar on this model. It's a tough call. Put this out of people's minds and they will soon decide it never happened, or worse, doesn't matter.

I personally would become very depressed if I had to design this model. Given personal choice, I would not. I think it can be handled appropriately, but you should know that even if it is handled appropriately, it will be abused.
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