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Old 02-05-2009, 10:46 PM
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Originally Posted by treadhead1952 View Post
Go Papercut Go!

An interesting choice and a good sized scale to boot. I will be watching this one with interest. The last river monitor I built was a resin kit in 1/400, being in the samller scale it wasn't nearly as detailed as you should be able to do with your kit.

Jay Massey
Las Vegas, NV
Jay, I have to admit, my ole eyes won't let me do the small stuff anymore. So the scale is right and the subject gets my juices to flowing. Too anyone who reads this, I can not stress enough, good lighting to see by. Eye strain, trying to work w/o good lighting will blur your vision. I have bought $200.00 worth of Ott-lites and a set of those flip up head mags w/a light attached to the side. My wife said I looked like Dr. Frankenstein at work. And it takes all that to see to cut those thin little lines. I struggled w/the Dreadnought and will say now and here, 1:200 or larger for me, thank you. Rick:D PS: watching your build as well, really like what you did with the life boats.
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