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Old 06-05-2013, 12:05 AM
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12 O'clock High.....What else!

Gregory Peck as General Frank Savage, 12 O'Clock High, 1949.
So for the sake of your roommate you violated group integrity. Every gun on a B-17 is designed to give the group maximum defensive firepower - that's what I mean by group integrity. When you pull a B-17 out of a formation you reduce the defensive power of the group by ten guns. A crippled aeroplane has to be expendable. The one thing which is never expendable is your obligation to this group. This group... this group - that has to be your loyalty; your only reason for being.


Edward Fox and Ian McShane, Pilot Officer Archie and Sgt. Pilot Andy.

Battle of Britain, 1969.

You can teach...................................monkeys to fly better than that.


Karl Michael Vogler and George Peppard. Colonel Otto Heidemann and Bruno Stachel. The Blue Max 1966

Heidemann...You have cost nearly half the squadron.
Stachel.......We shot down seven planes.
Stachel.......Three of them are mine.
Heidemann...Now you have got 22.
Heidemann...You and I know that 20 wasn't enough for you.
Heidemann...The Blue Max is more than a medal to you.
Heidemann...It's a badge....... something to show you are as good as Willie.
Stachel.......Not just Willie.
Heidemann...I will see you never wear that medal.
Heidemann...You disobeyed my orders.
Heidemann...I'm going to have you court-martialed.

Aluminum Airplanes at high altitude leave a vapor trail.
Paper Airplanes at low altitude leave a paper trail.
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