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Old 10-11-2013, 07:45 AM
gene1772 gene1772 is offline
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Greetings Mischa, I just downloaded the Truck instruction and WOW! I think you have just revolutionized paper model building. This is an outstanding method of doing instructions! I may have to go out of order on my crawler and give it a try on a truck assembly. For your LUT is it possible to do a combination of both download and laser cut? Maybe being able to purchase the laser cut pieces and the pieces to large to print on a standard printer and then being able to download the bulk of the remaining items and print them on your own. I don't know the number of pieces involved and complexity but maybe you could offer this package in different sizes, 1/96 and 1/72, and for the really brave 1/48 (man that would be huge). Sort of like what they do for the laser cut frames for ships and airplane paper models. With these you have the option to either print your own or purchase the additional package separately. Just thinking out loud. As always, great work!
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