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Old 05-11-2009, 05:43 PM
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Originally Posted by GreMir View Post
I understand you perfectly...
There are those models where you get a feeling that EVERYTHING has to be done at the same time in order for the parts to fit each other. It is frustrating, but doable.
I much more preffer to have some solid base from which rest of the model can grow. Fortunately most of the newest models offer just that - build the cockpit, skin it and keep adding segments forward and rearward.
You know, on Kartonbau they have an expression that loosely translates as 'Once you go Halinski you never go back'. I've heard from many who have build them that for all the little detail bits that they really do build very simply. As I work through these other models, I'm really wanting to jump back into the Mustang III and work out the fiddly bits to compare.
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