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Old 03-14-2015, 12:33 PM
kcorbin kcorbin is offline
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Originally Posted by KWSTAS View Post
I 'm working lately on some scratchbuild Viking houses from 9th
to 10th century period.
Enough chit-chat, time for some pict. Mind that they are half the way
and it's a W.I.P. As usual my photo ability is bellow average and macro
is a killer for the small scales. As always c. & c. are more than welcome.
With the higher resolution digital cameras using the macro feature causes lots of issues when photographing scale model miniatures. It messes up the depth of field focus and also enlarges and emphasizes any tiny flaws that would not normally be noticeable when viewing the pieces in a natural in person viewing. Macro for photographing a bee drinking nectar from a flower...good. Macro for general photography of small scale models...bad.

So here is what I do, I leave the camera on the high definition setting that is adjusted for the lighting conditions you are shooting in. Then I step back away from the model until the image is in focus. Afterwards I use a photo editing program to crop out anything beyond the area I want to see in the photo. Then resize the high def image to a lower resolution so that it can be posted in the forum. It is a little more work but you will get great photos with good depth of field and no over exaggerated details.
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