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Old 03-18-2015, 06:47 AM
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ct ertz ct ertz is offline
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The Huntress was originally part of the Georgia Navy (purchased from NY) but soon after the war started was given to the Confederate Navy. So for fun I included some pre-war Georgia State Navy Uniforms. I have no idea if the crew or uniforms stayed with the ship or not, but what the heck! Now I have to arm the thing. Three cannons. What cannons would such a ship have?? I have been unable to find out definitively, and "1-3 guns" isn't very helpful. My guess is she was armed and then disarmed many times during the war depending on her duties. I am guessing that either 9-inch guns or old 32 pounders are a safe bet, simply because the South laid hands on so many at the start of the war. But smaller guns might not be out of the question either..

Love to here any ones thoughts on this. I may just use my "Generic" cannons I use on most of my models. We shall see.
My models are available here
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