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Old 08-31-2015, 03:41 PM
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Cami Cami is offline
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Thank you John to let me know about it, but honestly I knew this was going to happen and as long it is offered for free (as it was meant) and my name is there, that is ok with me. I must admit that it was pretty quick, but if more people get it and enjoy it for free, well that was the idea.

Also, it was a quick project, not the kind I spend hundreds of hours on (it was designed in 2 days). Finally, if I would like to share higher quality models that required months of patience and hard work it would certainly be on I had a good experience with Chris, I trust him alot and my models seems to be very well protected there.

I would not like to hear that the chinese or russian pirates are selling them, that is purely and simply a steal and not acceptable at all, but I do not think that it is sophisticated enough to be of any interest for these guys. They seem to be seeking for the more detailed model, because that is what people are ready to pay for. I am not sure anyone would be ready to pay for such a simple model.

That is a gift guys! My reward will be the pictures of the project you post here.

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