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Old 12-02-2016, 06:37 PM
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JohnM JohnM is offline
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I've been refilling my printer ink cartridges for years using Jet-Tec inks. They supply medical grade 10mg Hypodermic syringes with the inks. These syringes are fitted with a removable blunt needle (Safer than the sharp hypo ones).

I've found that these syringes are also perfect for applying large amounts of glue (without the needle) and miniscule spots using the needle. When not in use, a dressmaker's pin is sufficient to seal the needle. The steel needle is also useful as a spreader, as the build up of glue just wipes or peels off

OK, if not used for some time, the glue can solidify in the needle, but it is easy to pull the needle off, poke it through with a sewing needle, followed by the sealer pin to push the needle through far enough to grab it with tweezers and pull it right through.

As for the glue I use ... I can't tell you the make ... It just says 'Craft Glue' on the label. No manufacturer or supplier mentioned, but occasionally there's the little gold 'Made in China' label on them. I used to buy them in a haberdashery shop my wife frequents, but last yearI asked her to get me one next time she went ... She came back with five, and my daughter bought me another five a week later. One usually lasts me a few months anyway, but I've built very little since last Xmas due to my damaged hands, so there's still eight hanging up in the cupboard.
Keep on snippin' ... Johnny
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