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Old 11-05-2017, 04:15 PM
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airdave airdave is offline
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If you are seeing new posts notifications for every single new post within a thread
then you are the one with the glitch?

I logged on to a new thread last night...saw the original post, but there were no replies.
This morning there are four reply posts (that I have not seen).
But the "unread post" count is 2....referring to the 2 threads showing with new posts.

This actually indicates to "threads with new unread posts"

Each new post that you have not seen are not counted.
The first new post in any thread will register a "new post" count, but thats all.

The same rule applies to email notifications.
You get a notice of a new post (in a subscribed thread) but no subsequent posts.
In fact it states in the email "there may be more posts...but you will not receive notification of those..."

I always used to get "7 New Posts"
and that would relate to seven threads with at least one new post.
There were often many new posts in a thread, but I never saw more "new posts" than related threads.

Recently, it changed (for me)
Or, my models at ecardmodels: Dave'sCardCreations
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