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Old 01-09-2018, 12:43 PM
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airdave airdave is offline
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ISS is not a space craft as much as it is a space "station" or satellite.
It can't really 'fly" anywhere.
...and it is constantly being augmented and added to.

I'm not talking about a slick shell for aerodynamics.
I'm talking about keeping it simple in design...lighter and less complicated to build.
It also needs more surface protection from debris, meteorites, radiation, etc
and less things sticking out that can be damaged by the smallest of space particles.

My biggest moment was when, in 2001, there is a good clear rear view of the engines on Discovery.
The exhausts are separated into pairs (3 of them) and these are framed in hexagonal "hoods".
I didn't understand the purpose of adding these hoods.
Seems like pointless extra structure and materials to me.

But then I notice the inside of the "hoods"...they are lined with more raised panels and surface details.
What is all this stuff for back here? and what exactly would you need to access in this area?
Is it extra protection from the engine blast?...then why are the hoods there in the first place?! lol
Its a lot more material and redundant surface panels than are necessary.
More weight too.

Anyone designing spacecraft will tell you, more weight means more of everything!
Including more engine power and fuel.

I get it...artists, model builders, having fun adding greeblies and all kinds of visually interesting extras.
I found the Close Encounters spacecraft to be fantastically interesting to examine at the Smithsonian.
So much stuff added to the top of that craft.
(Keeping in mind, it has a smooth protected side for atmospheric entry.)

I just think, the realism is lost in the model making when it comes to larger long distance craft like Discovery or the big ships in Star Wars.
I like the smoother cleaner finish of Star Trek craft.
They strike me as more realistic for their time.

Why not keep as much as possible inside the smooth Hull, where it can be serviced more easily?
Or, my models at ecardmodels: Dave'sCardCreations
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