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Old 02-15-2018, 05:25 PM
Gibbo Gibbo is offline
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Yes these things had up to five arming fuses and when dropped took out the roof and windows. I have so far found four versions of the same type of device.

Avro Lancaster 1/33-pic_cookie2.jpg
This is the one I have worked with, sorting out the linkage to the bomb bay tomorrow.
Just got in from a long hard day
The bomb loads had a few versions of a mix of bombs and incendiary packages.Avro Lancaster 1/33-lancaster_area_bombing_load_iwm_ch_18371.jpg
This one above was the most common to create the fire storm affect.
After these normal bombs would be dropped to spread the effect.
I have chosen to add 250 and 500lb bombs plus the roof buster.
Either way hell from the sky for sure

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