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Old 03-26-2018, 03:46 AM
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Space cards and a "fix" to corrugated ring issue

Dear all

I was browsing around the forum when the following thread by ARMORMAN caught my eye

Paper Promotional and Toys

The breakfast cereal "Weetabix" has been going a long time and for many years has offered various things. Before my time, in the 1950's it had models you could make. Here is an example of the packet from that era and one of the vehicles (Photos from Weetabix summary of all offers issued with the cereal)

A while back (in posts 189 and 190) I mentioned cards you could collect in 1972 from PG tips tea about the race into space (a little reminder below)

1/24 Apollo/Saturn V (enlarged 1/48 Greelt et al version)-pg-tips-front-cover.jpg 1/24 Apollo/Saturn V (enlarged 1/48 Greelt et al version)-pg-tips-page-1.jpg 1/24 Apollo/Saturn V (enlarged 1/48 Greelt et al version)-pg-tips-33-pic-saturn-v.jpg 1/24 Apollo/Saturn V (enlarged 1/48 Greelt et al version)-pg-tips-33-words.jpg

Pre the space race PG tips had had another series about space called "Out Into Space" (released in 1956 before sputnik)

This photo is from Out Into Space - A set of Brooke Bond tea cards from the 1950's which also shows pictures of the cards. For example

What is very striking is how there is no mention of rockets (the above card is the most advanced engineering one in the set) and just what a change is going to take place in the next 10 years. It is staggering the acceleration of progress over this period. It must have been incredible to live through sputnik, vostock, mercury, voskhod and gemini.

I have now learned that Weetabix produced two sets of cards "Conquest of space set A" (in 1957) and "Conquest of space set B" (in 1959). They are really very far sighted, and what a difference a year makes between "out into space" and "set A" as well as between "set A" and "set B"

Here are some from "set A"


and now some from "set B"


This got me thinking were there any other "space cards" of that sort of era? Well, I came across these.

These are samples from the series of cards entitles "Jets-Rockets-Spacemen" produced for "Bowman Bubble Gum" (in USA) in 1951 and tells the adventures of the crew of the Rocketship 6X52. You can read about it here The Next Jets-Rockets-Spacemen trading cards (Kurt Kuersteiner) which is where the above sample photos are.

Has anyone ever heard of Bowman's bubble gum or these cards? Does this bring back memories for anyone?

Anyway, by looking at all these cards, it suddenly dawned on me a way to "fix" the corrugated ring issue! Strange what makes ideas pop into your head.


Normally the most advanced tech I use is a pencil.
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