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Old 06-04-2018, 03:26 PM
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Summer 2018 Koolwheelz Party continues!

2018 has been a very productive year for Koolwheelz models!
I've put out more in the last 6 months, than in the last 3 years!

And, theres still more!! 8 more (new) models are ready to go!

I was laughing to myself...thinking to ask you to guess what the next model would be.
Without any clues...I figured there was no way you could guess it.
But then again...

So, to kick off this next batch of Koolwheelz models, I challenge you to guess the identity of the first model.
Lets see if you can...just for fun.
I'll even reward the person who manages to figure it out first.

But without clues it might be next to impossible.
With so many subjects and types of vehicles, the Koolwheelz Collection covers a wide range of topics.

To help you with clues to the model's identity, lets play something like 20 Questions.
You can post/ask any question you like to narrow down the answer.


I'll call for one question at a time. (Wait for each Question to be called by me)

The first question posted will be answered.
(If you see a question posted...wait for the answer before posting another question)
If other questions are posted before I get to answer, I will ignore them.
You will be free to ask the question again when I call for the next question.

Questions will only be answered "yes" or "no" or "true" or "false".
So ask your questions accordingly.

Alternate can't ask two in a row. Give someone else a chance.

If you have an idea of the identity of the model, you may post it at any time,
but remember, you get only one guess throughout the challenge.
Once you guess (and are wrong) you can not ask any more questions or make any more guesses.
So you might want to wait until your really sure.

After 20 questions, if nobody has guessed the right subject,
those have who have not already guessed (incorrectly) will each have one chance to ask one question and make one guess.

At any point, if someone guesses the identity of the model, they will receive a reward.
And the reward is:
the chance to request a new Koolwheelz model subject*.
I'll make a new Koolwheelz model based on their request...any subject!
Yes...even the A-Team Van (ugh!).

*any subject...within reason. It has to be a suitable subject for the Koolwheelz collection
and something I can actually accomplish as a one-sheet Koolwheelz style model.
If you don't want to request a Koolwheelz model, I'll give you a free model from PaperModelShop instead.

I'll even offer up some clues to get you started:
1. It might...or might not be...a car.
2. It may...or may used at night.
3. It isn't with a red stripe.
4. People...ride in it...or on it...or not at all.
5. It may or may not be a real thing.

with the first question.

Or, my models at ecardmodels: Dave'sCardCreations
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