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Old 09-04-2018, 12:21 PM
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modelperry modelperry is offline
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As much as I would like to attend this year, it appears that other plans have been made by my employer to occupy the same time period as the convention. As it is right now I will be somewhere between Shanghai and Detroit about 30k+ feet in the air.

I would rather be with all you fine folk, but it is not to be.

Rest assured though, potential prizes for my endowed award have been provided to the judging staff via mail and I have it on good authority that they have arrived safely in one piece.

Whoever is the lucky winner of this award, I hope the prize you receive meets your expectation and provides hours of enjoyment.

In dry dock: 1909 Mauretania, In factory: ? In hanger: Fokker triplanes? under construction: ?
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