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Old 06-29-2019, 03:29 PM
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Thanks John
Yeah I have photos of that particular Ford FAT,
but because it has a camo paint scheme, I ignored it.

But I might still contact them about that vehicle, and see what info they have.
I don't believe that paint scheme is accurate, so it may have been a solid colour FAT.
But that might mean the markings are inaccurate too.

I sent them an email.
Their email address is extremely difficult to find...and when found, it is incorrect.
A (dot) is substituted for the @ symbol, so it took a few moments to figure it out.
Maybe they don't want communications? lol

Oh well, I sent a message.
I asked a couple of questions about their 1942 Ford FAT.

Funny thing is, it appears to have a Chevy front end.
The engine cover, grille surround, and the Grille cover itself are Chev FAT design (based on what I have learned so far)
I guess its possible that they used similar Chev parts during the restoration.

But that brings me to my second question...whether the paint scheme is accurate to the time, and that vehicle.
Its not a paint scheme I have seen any where else (on a Canadian FAT...I saw something similar on an American marked FAT)
And if the paint scheme is made up, maybe the markings aren't accurate either?

Lets see what they say...but I am not holding my breath.
They have a page regarding research questions.
Apparently you can get 20 minutes of help, and then have to pay by the hour.

Is the Canadian Government all about making money with everything?
Or, my models at ecardmodels: Dave'sCardCreations

Last edited by airdave; 06-29-2019 at 03:52 PM.
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