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Old 07-06-2019, 11:13 AM
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Papa Mashy Papa Mashy is offline
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Hello Paper Mashers

Hi Everyone,

A little background:

Like many, my first introduction to model making was with plastic kits given on birthdays and Christmas. (no painting, just oodles of glue and press it together )
I did learn a lot of techniques over time and I eventually got to an acceptable standard.

Actually, I suppose I did some card modelling in the very early 80's. I remember I attempted to make a Star Wars Tie fighter out of a cardboard (packing) box and a light saber from a torch and rolled up paper. Neither were successful, but as 10yr old without money to buy things, it encouraged creativity and eased boredom.

I "grew up" and stopped model making, (except for a quick dalliance building balsa RC planes and boats while I had the means to do so, and no commitments )

Fast forward 20 something years, and I needed a creative outlet. I made a couple of plastic kits (aircraft mostly and a MKII Matilda tank diorama) which was fun and good to rediscover lost skills and gain some new ones as an older and more patient person!

So, how did I end up here?
Kids school projects.
I needed to assist with making various models for school homework and whilst trawling the internet for inspiration, I stumbled across the canon papercraft site.

I made a model from there and I was hooked.

I love the ability to just reprint pages when I mess up, and I am still very much a beginner with paper modelling techniques, but that is part of the draw. Learning from others and from my own mistakes.

I've only been making paper models for a couple of years, and I haven't been overly prolific, but I've done a few models:
USS Enterprise by Ron Caudillo
Dr Who Tardis by Ironcow production
Tower of London and a bear mask by Canon papercraft

I am currently making UDon's U boat VIIc.

I started a build thread for this on the Zealot forum, but I'm not keen on the direction the site owners have taken with the forum.

It's a shame for me, because they are a good bunch of people over there. (and some are here too)

Anyway, I hope you will accept me on this forum, and I look forward to contributing to this site.
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