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Old 11-06-2020, 03:53 PM
Tom Greensfelder Tom Greensfelder is offline
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As a side note, when we acquire scans of vintage models through friends or over the internet, there's often the question of the intended size of a completed model. Without the original page, the size and scale of the model is at best, a guess.

The models in Tom's post were designed to use a vintage, Scandinavian matchbox as their base. That's all well and good, but how big were the matchboxes? The modern American boxes I use to light my old propane torch measure 2" long by 1 3/8" wide. This looks to be the same size as the vintage matchboxes, but can anyone say for sure?
It's true that we can't always be confident in the size of the scans we find on the internet. But in this case as some of the scans I started with were full pages I believe the size I provided will be the same as the original when printed at 100%. As a guide, the drawn box around the matchbox models should be 8 3/4" wide when printed.

As for the matchboxes themselves, the Swedish boxes seem to be mostly 56x36mm. There are many vintage ones for sale on ebay and who wouldn't want a box of Impregnated Goblins?
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