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Old 01-23-2021, 09:35 AM
jamoldover jamoldover is offline
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Category and Ethics questions regarding a build

I recently purchased a copy of Alan Rose's cable car model (in book form) as one that I had wanted to build back when it came out in 1982. In order to avoid the risk of screwing up the parts and therefore not being able to complete the build, the first thing I did was scan the pages at high resolution. I then took advantage of having those scans to do some cleanup, recoloring, and remodeling of some of the pieces so that they better represented a specific cable car as it is today instead of a generic one from 40 years ago.

I'm assuming (based on what I've seen posted on the forums to date) that it would be acceptable for me to post information about the build itself.

Here's the category question - should something like this go in Railway Related builds, or would it be better in Alternate Dimensions (or is it really up to me)?

Here are the ethics questions - 1) given that Mr. Rose is now no longer living, and I cannot, therefore, ask permission to share what I did, can I describe the process I went through in terms of scanning/remodeling, or should I only share the actual build process?

2) If it is OK to share what I did in terms of the remodel process, would it be OK to share the remodeled version files with the other members of this board? I have no plans to do this commercially or to claim any sort of copyright. As far as I'm concerned, this started as an Alan Rose model, and it still is an Alan Rose model - I just tweaked it a bit and changed the colors.

Thank you,

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