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Old 02-19-2021, 02:25 PM
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airdave airdave is offline
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Actually, this helps me a lot, and may have answered my question already.

The 757...and then the 727...led me to info on 707 and 737.

I have been trying to settle on a fuselage dimension (width and overall diameter).
I was working with a 3.8m dimension (at 1/100 scale)...and it seems that all these narrow body jets
fall into that general area (or just under)...3.5m-3.8m

So my number is already close enough to work.

I'm working on a Gangway...aerobridge a bonus accessory for my kit.
And instead of a flat end to the gangway, where it contacts the aircraft, I was going to curve the accordian connector to match a fuselage shape.

Thats why I was using a 3.8m diameter.

However, it seems that if I make it fit exactly, to one fuselage dimension, it doesn't work for other models.
So, after posting this question, I began to think "maybe I'll give it a slight curve, as if its just starting to form fit to a fuselage...then it might work against a wider range of aircraft sizes."

Which means, now, I don't need a clear answer to my question...! lol sorry.

But I do appreciate the immediate feedback!

I'll keep you updated on whether this idea works or not.
Or, my models at ecardmodels: Dave'sCardCreations
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