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Old 04-03-2021, 08:06 AM
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sharunas sharunas is offline
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Originally Posted by Positive_Rate View Post
Will you cut the lattice pattern from the funnels as they are, or is it another job to design the lattice and fit around it?

Maybe you could post a pic from the opposite corner? I am curious to see what the front of the accommodation looks like.
Thank You Alan!

the lattice are already prepared - a laser cut part from cardboard, you can see at page-1 of this thread.

I actually didn't knew Macro is building Canberra, thanks for reminding. As I mentioned before, haven't been on forum for quite a long time, so many new threads and updates since then. Just wrote a reply on his threat.

Also very glad You too challenging this build. Good luck, as it has some flaws .
Originally Posted by Positive_Rate View Post
I am building it on board ship as a little (or not so little!) cabin craft hobby!
You mean, You are on a ship at the moment?

Originally Posted by Positive_Rate View Post
Are you looking for photos of the ship to be able to complete the model?
I use everything, sometimes good photos are better than blueprints.
Blueprints are important for general shape, after that design process bears on studying of any available pictures.
I usually don't even start a project if there are not enough pictures, even having quite a decent blueprints.
Worth to mention, one of our member, Mr. William, is helping with this project in terms of information. I'm really thankful for him too.

Finished projects: RMS Mauretania 1/250; SS Canberra 1/250; Toyota Hilux Overdrive;
Current projects: SS Michelangelo 1/250
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