Thread: A10 Charicature
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Old 09-08-2009, 06:21 PM
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Considerable progress

Ok, got a decent amount more done. Wings, tails, and one engine. Ran into a couple snags that were either easy to overcome to get the build, or just cosmetic things, detailed below. All in all its going well me-thinks.

The main wings were very straight forward and I built them using my tried-and-true internal tab-guided edge gluing. The first snag was the wing tip. It starts off as an L shape, but the inner edges that glue together to become the tip are not the same length:

So I trimmed from the tip at an angle out to the trailing edge, which allowed me to curl that section over to meet up with the bottom:

The other (minor) wing tip issue was that the inner edge didn't form a nice straight connection with the wing itself due to a sharp edge, which was easily trimmed:

Resulting in a nice clean wing:

Next I did the other wing (saw the same issues so they were easily overcome), the horiz and vert stabilizers, and engine:

The next issue is the engine exhaust. The colors fade from brown to a light tan, only to meet up again at the joint to form a hard line of color which doesn't seem right. Add to the fact that not all three rings join at the same spot, so you get an odd looking paint job:

Then we assemble the engine only to find that this joint needs to be facing up to get the right lines so the color edges become all the more obvious.

Again, not a huge issue, and not difficult to correct (the color anyway, the orientation of the split I'm not sure). And it looks fine from the side. But there it is anyway. As a beta I figured Trent would be happy for the nit-picks.

The plane is almost there. The weapons on the other hand, may take some time. I'll try to build a couple quick, but They're pretty straight forward and I'm sure the model will be releasable without a detailed beta of the ordinance.
Put on hold build (someday I'll finish): F-35A Lightning II 1:72
Previous builds: cMags' Card Model Builds
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