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Old 06-23-2021, 11:01 AM
anubhavmitra anubhavmitra is offline
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Originally Posted by airdave View Post
I don't you think you completely understood my points.
Those weren't "suggestions", they were demands and expectations. To you or any "designer"

If you can't design your own model: draw patterns and shapes in some sort of art creation program (or by pen and pencil on a sheet of paper)...
If you can't colour that model, add markings and details of your own creation...
If you can't add tabs, create basic assembly instructions, create a cover page as requested...
If you can't print and test build a model..
If you can't take photos of the finished model or get photos of your finished model...

then you shouldn't be "designing"'re not a "designer"
and therefore not a retailer (seller) of original designs.

I'd even question the distribution of free models.
Whether a model is paid for or acquired free, does not change ownership rights, intellectual properties, and rules of design and creation.

"Repainters" fall into a different category and live by different rules.
And they must still ask for permission to redistribute someone else work (repainted or not).

But of course, none of this matters if you tooks Sergey's model and rebranded it as your own design.
Thats between you, and Sergey, and ecardmodels.

In my opinion: borrowing someone elses "3D model" or copying someone else's templates is not designing.
Using Pepakura to flatten out a 3D model and recreate the "skins" and textures" that were already not designing.
In my store, I would not sell this "designers" work.
I can definitely do what you said, I can create parts and make test build.
I just dont copy others work
And you probably know just unfolding 3d model in pepakura cant make workable templates
And when I use someone else's 3d model I never forget to take written person from him or her
And probably no one understood about the red jet model
I gave chris the wrong model, I designed a red jet ferry by my self with taking help from 3d model(with permission) I had no intention or greed to call his work my design
Pretty frustrated at this point
Also not every one can make a complex 3d model
Avgeek and a Papermodeller
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