Fore Mast
It took a little "doing" but I got the Fore Mast designed and ready to assemble, this offered some very specific challenges, how to simplify what is a very complex mast structure with as few parts as possible.
The tower structure, is primarily a "tetrahedron" (three sided pyramid), the tower as well as the various support structures require have a good number of openings, for the novice, these openings will merely be 2D representations of openings but if someone (me) was "ambitious", I'd assemble this with all of the openings removed for "full effect".
The part that I find most interesting is the base of the bed frame, it is a uniform, four sides at the bottom but once folded, transitions at the top
to an irregular, angular pentagon.
Okay, this complex prototype has about 30 parts for the mast alone but for the novice that will only be around 10 parts (+/-).
let's now see what this thing looks like assembled.