Further suggestions...
Don stated that the solid, soft block of material is essential to rolling the paper across a surface that gives, just enough, to permit resistance but to allow the paper to curve without being crushed (see pic 1). Using scrap paper he demonstrated again how quickly and smoothly the metal probe curved the paper without damage, and how quickly it happens (see pic 2).
Using another tool, a wooden doll’s eyeball sizer, he can burnish compound curves, like airplane canopies or wing tips (see tool, pic 3). He explains that he learned about this tool and technique from Anthony Sanchez, who’s name on this forum was Swampfox). He said this tool may be found at Kemper Doll Supplies. He demonstrates the burnishing technique with the doll eyeball sizer (see pic 4).
Picture 1: A solid block to roll against...
Picture 2: Rolling the paper on the block...
Picture 3: This tool provides shapes when curving paper...
Picture 4: Using the tool to shape paper
"One does not plow a field by turning it over in his mind..."