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Old 02-15-2024, 06:54 PM
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THE DC THE DC is offline
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Finishing the build tips and tool suggestions...

The results are clearly impressive, detailed, and enviable. He even places emphasis upon creating the quality soft the stand to support your forthcoming kit-build.

He showed how the sculpting of the stand itself improves your kit, by care in the precision of shaping the pieces to cooperate with the aircraft kit. The stand peg must have a solid, rectangular shape at the top to foster mating with the body of the craft (see pic 1). The clean build of the stand is now ready to mate with the model, but note how descriptive details have been added to promote the understanding of the finished kit, giving it that museum-feel of information (see pic 2). Finally, and carefully, before the plane is complete, the part that will be mated to the stand is attached, permitting the building of the rest of the craft around it (see pic 3). Note how smoothly the peg fits into the hull, and now how the project is ready for the next sections to be added; permitting the stand to act as support during the build process.

If you do not wish to glue the hull to the stand, Don suggests using rare Earth magnets attach the model to the stand (though i have noted that, with more fragile models, these magnets may be too powerful and cause warping during attaching/separation; simple magnets may have less power and connect just enough).

Picture 1: Preparing the stand...

Picture 2: The clean, ready stand...

Picture 3: Attaching the hull to the stand...
Attached Thumbnails
The Walk-Thru of the 2023 International Paper Modeler's Convention (IPMC); the 25th-preparing-stand...-1.jpg   The Walk-Thru of the 2023 International Paper Modeler's Convention (IPMC); the 25th-clean-ready-stand-2.jpg   The Walk-Thru of the 2023 International Paper Modeler's Convention (IPMC); the 25th-attaching-hull-stand...-3.jpg  
"One does not plow a field by turning it over in his mind..."

Last edited by THE DC; 02-15-2024 at 07:07 PM. Reason: pic loading
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