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Old 03-28-2024, 06:11 PM
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Teakell’s Table further continued…

Joe’s pride in the tiny B-17, with the camo-painted hull, was understandable, given the size and detail, but there was another reason to admire his detailed work. The craft has four tiny, accurate propellers (see pic 1). Though a tad difficult to see here, all those props spun when stimulated by his finger (see pic 2) as evidenced by the different positions of the props on the second picture.

A second, silver bodied civilian craft, as tiny in scale, that he’d completed, also boasted movable tiny props (see pic 3). A third mini, WWII bomber also had rotating props. (see pic 4). The final product was a striking as it was authentic.

Picture 1: WWII bomber c rotating props…

Picture 2: WWII bomber c rotating props 2…

Picture 3: Civilian plane c rotating props…

Picture 4: WWII bomber plane c rotating props…
Attached Thumbnails
The Walk-Thru of the 2023 International Paper Modeler's Convention (IPMC); the 25th-wwii-bomber-c-rotating-props.jpg   The Walk-Thru of the 2023 International Paper Modeler's Convention (IPMC); the 25th-wwii-bomber-c-rotating-props-2.jpg   The Walk-Thru of the 2023 International Paper Modeler's Convention (IPMC); the 25th-civillian-plane-c-rotating-props.jpg   The Walk-Thru of the 2023 International Paper Modeler's Convention (IPMC); the 25th-wwii-bomber-plane-c-rotating-props.jpg  
"One does not plow a field by turning it over in his mind..."

Last edited by THE DC; 03-28-2024 at 06:36 PM.
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