Thread: Stanzel Shark
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Old 04-15-2024, 09:03 AM
WVA WVA is offline
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Yes Don, I too was surprised at the lack of response to this amazing tale of design and destruction! Perhaps there were some suspicious "facts". Maybe most, as you, were on to me right away! How no one remarked on that O&R eagle design on the rudder beats me! Maybe a model of an O&R 20 cylinder inline is in order!

And, yes, the Shark was a pre WWII and after war model featuring the G-line control, later discarded in favor of U-control. I poured over those ads for the Shark at the time, but it wasn't until last year that I got one! Antique complete kits are considerably more expensive than the original offerings! And I'll never build it, therefore the paper model of a model.

I have in mind a model of the plane that ended the Cleveland National Air Races. It will not be a 1 April presentation, I promise!

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