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Old 04-15-2024, 05:26 PM
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adolfocaetnonetto adolfocaetnonetto is offline
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Sopwith Camel 1/100 scratchbuilting

Hello Everyone
My first post is a old mounting, I think also like 15 or 20 years.
I post hte images and some explication about materials and thecniques. If you want more information, you can ask and I answer, if I can.
And I apologize for my horrible english.
Ok. Lets go!
I mounting my models with lots different material: cardboard, paper, balsa wood, metal wires, plastic sprue, tiny waste; I use white and superglue; and my paints is acrilic for craftwork.

Until a few years ago, in Brazil, the internet was slow and expense. I used magazines and some few images download; with this material I was draw a three views plane.
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With the plane, I was drawing the pieces in cardboard, to later cut with scissors. In this case, in the superior wing, I cuted one piece and used this to cut the inferior side of the wing surface
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To build the horizontal and vertical empennage, I cuted the pieces in cardboard and I glued over other cardboard; with three cardboard layers I cuted the ready pieces.
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Later I curved the wing pieces to obtain the wing leading edge.
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Here I glued foam pieces in the interior of the wings to obtain the correct thickness; I used white glue to attach the foam in the cardboard. Later I glued the leading edge of the superior and inferior surfaces of the wings, with white glue.
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After the glue has dry, I applied more glue in the wings trailing edge
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To build the fuselage the process is the same; I cut the surfaces (in this case, the inferior and the laterals, and I glued it, using some cardboard strips to join the different pieces (I call this strips internal reinforcements, a pompous name...). You can see this strips, the white cardboard in the interior edge of the fuselage.
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Here I built the engine fairing. A simple cardboard circle, with
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Last edited by adolfocaetnonetto; 04-16-2024 at 10:09 AM.
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