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Old 11-01-2024, 12:01 AM
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Better(?) Small Scale Radial Engine Cowls

I've been doing this with some success on my recent 1/100 radial engine model builds. I've found it to, a) be easier to build and, b) give much neater results as it pretty much eliminates those tedious and annoying-to-cut-out little triangular 'shark teeth' join tabs.

The basic premise revolves around laminating certain parts to give double and triple thickness which allows direct edge gluing instead of overlap tabs.

Photos are mostly self explanatory but note photo #2 shows trimming off edges where you actually want a tab. After laminating and trimming the under-layer becomes the tab.

Third photo shows having a third lamination on engine and rear plates for extra strength; while #4 shows gradually trimming to fit those same parts for a snug (not tight) fit inside the main cowl cylinder.

The engine plate can be glued after positioning from the inside but the rear one needs a small hole cut in the centre to assist getting it flush with the cowl rear edge using a crude tool for the purpose.

I edge paint before construction and importantly, because of the double thickness, the front tapered part can be coloured in the inside with little fear of distortion.

One small point I've found helps on wing mounted engines, and that is to attach the underside fairing only before mounting on the wing and then adding the top fairing afterwards. Significantly reduces the risk of misfits, gaps and other annoying eyesores.

While all this works on 1/100 and maybe 1/72, I can't say with any certainty it can apply (or even needs to apply) to larger scales.

Hope all this is of some help to others.

Attached Thumbnails
Better(?) Small Scale Radial Engine Cowls-dscf0001-copy.jpg   Better(?) Small Scale Radial Engine Cowls-dscf0002-copy.jpg   Better(?) Small Scale Radial Engine Cowls-dscf0003-copy.jpg   Better(?) Small Scale Radial Engine Cowls-dscf0004-copy.jpg   Better(?) Small Scale Radial Engine Cowls-dscf0005-copy.jpg  

Better(?) Small Scale Radial Engine Cowls-dscf0006-copy.jpg   Better(?) Small Scale Radial Engine Cowls-dscf0007-copy.jpg   Better(?) Small Scale Radial Engine Cowls-dscf0008-copy.jpg   Better(?) Small Scale Radial Engine Cowls-dscf0011-copy.jpg  
''Oh, stop whining! Can't you just print off another one?''- my wife ca 2018
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