Thread: Soviet Monster
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Old 11-22-2009, 09:11 AM
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The Artist's renditions and the b/w photos of the actual plane look a lot more convincing than that ridiculous CGI image!
I believe it might fly...but that CGI thing is just too stupid!

I hate when you see this kind of thing on one of these "Discovery Channel" (or the like) shows
and they exaggerate or over-blow the ideas into something stupidly unbelieveable.

but I have always had other theories regarding many of the German War "projects" this case, did it matter if it could fly?
did it really matter if it functioned as dreamed?
if you parked this at the edge of your airfield, the neighbouring villages and towns would be crapping bricks!

...all they really needed to do was suggest these kind of projects to the world.
I think its all about intimidation. If your enemies believes you have the biggest gun around, then you don't really have to bring it out.

If it appeared that you had all this technology and superior war machines, then you already have the upperhand.

I think many of these "projects" were for the purpose of experimentation and development of related technologies,
but also for deception and intimidation.
Or, my models at ecardmodels: Dave'sCardCreations
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