At first sight, I thought Godzilla was a realistic paper model.
A few more paper models of Japanese buildings:
1/450Tゲージ鉄道模型用建物ペーパークラフト http://www.faltboat.net/pokara/paper_t/papert01.html |
How to construct and view a tatebanko
A web page showing the proper construction and viewing (by candle light) of a tatebanko -
立版古で遊ぶ②「大しん板切組とうろう 里見八犬伝 悪猫たいじの段」|気球企画 / 試作部|note The tatebanko - https://assets.st-note.com/img/16611...jpg&quality=85 or bigger and better https://www.arc.ritsumei.ac.jp/archi...urou/ho746.jpg I have posted this tatebanko before but without the instructions for the proper assembly by a Japanese person. I should mention that this tatebanko is very terrifying with a hidden evil devil cat monster, so be careful if you show it to people with cat phobia. Last edited by John Wagenseil; 04-16-2023 at 12:45 PM. |
ペーパークラフトを作ろう 紙で作れる文化財
There is a new to me paper model on the Suita City Museum web site of a kyuunkanishike. https://www.suita.ed.jp/hak/suita_pa...nkanishike.pdf I have no idea of what this is, as it does not google, and the translate pages do not work with images and PDF. Perhaps it is an inn or a house of a wealthy merchant or a highly placed samurai. When kyuunkanishike is transcribed from romaji to kanna and translated the result is "moisture in a hurry", which seems to be an odd name for a building, but perhaps it is a facility where travelers can get wet refreshments quickly? There is also a new, second tea house available for download on the Suita city museum paper model page: https://www.suita.ed.jp/hak/suita_pa...sekisuian2.pdf If you want more teahouses from Japan, they are available here: Builders Plans for Teahouse/folding paper model Two more tea houses have been uploaded to Papermodelers.com but I cannot find them using the search function. Last edited by John Wagenseil; 04-16-2023 at 01:20 PM. |
Japanese paper models that you can admire but not get:
ワークショップ「首切地蔵を作ろう~江戸のペーパークラフト」/荒川区公式サイト Edo period Japanese street コロナ対応、SDGs環境・文化・食育教材、飛び出す『江戸の町並みペーパークラフト』クラウドファンディ ング開始! ワークショップ・出前授業・イベントで活用できます - いただきます.infoのプレスリリース Announcements of paper models 文化・環境・うつわと食育 ;おせちおりがみ,鏡餅のおきあがりこぼし,頂きます,食器,食文化,和食,環境,LCA,食品ロス削減給 食,繕い,SDGs,行事すごろく, 季節のうつろいすごろく,行事食すごろく,食品,お節折り紙,鰊粕,起き上がりこぼし,お年玉,学習支援, 図工,飛び出すペーパークラフト ワークショップや授業が開ける! 飛び出す「江戸の町並みのペーパークラフト」 - CAMPFIRE (キャンプファイヤー) |
A treasure trove of almost forgotten paper models from Japan.
みなとツール ||| みなと立版古 These are stylized or impressionistic views of Japanese cities. I have not explored other dates to see if more models were added. |
Former Nakanishi house main building
~Doug~ AC010505 EAMUS CATULI! Audere est Facere THFC 19**-20** R.I.P. it up, Tear it up, Have a Ball |
Your translation is almost certainly more accurate than mine, but is more prosaic and less thought provoking than mine. The house seems to have once belonged to the main branch of a wealthy merchant family or the head of a prominent samurai family. (I wonder if they were moist?) |
A thread with a Japanese site with pokemons, that was posted previously.
Imaginary Creatures from Popular Game Reposted for completeness. |
A belated proper thank you for the correct translation.
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that the head of a well off family will be in possession of a good fortune, and will not be in want of a nice house. |
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