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Old 02-12-2010, 02:33 PM
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Chris's game test one

I started with an hour or so before having to leave to get the kids. I will post my turn tracking but not pics as they arent really helpful I dont think. (no time right now either)

Honestly I did not enjoy my first experience much. I DO NOT understand the whole missile thing. It makes no sense when trying to execute it. I had to reread it the missile part and PD so much that it made the whole experience too disjointed to have any fun. This is part of testing though so I am not worried.

I also will NOT attempt to play again until I make a cheat sheet of some kind. I had to refer back to the rules WAY too often. I think we need to change admiral abilities around somehow so that not all abilities are available to all admirals. they should have strengths and weakness's. I think each side should somehow pick their admiral with specific abilities (on a card) that will be aboard a specific ship. If that ship destroyed then admiral LOST along with those abilities. Then highest CQ becomes admiral but without the extra abilities. Just my thoughts.... it makes protecting that ship more important.

gotta scoot but here is my writeup - PLEASE do an EXACT step by step on a round of weapons firing (especially missiles as thats all the closer I ever got) I also dont like the unlimited range but that might just be how it goes...

Clash of Cruisers
Chris test game one pic given will be at end of given turn. One pic per turn.
The Hecate and the humans come within sensor range and begin to carefully feel out their opponents. At a full stop while determining how to proceed. The human in his usual arrogance feels that he is the superior even though outnumbered he decides to take them on....
human CQ5 (1d10 init)
hecate CQ 3 (1d8 init)
see pic 1

Turn 1
Human Init 5
Hecate init 8

The Hecate win the initiative and give pause...

The human commander chooses to allot all his init points to his lone ship giving it agility 9. The Hecate admiral knows he cannot match this with both ships so assigns vessel one 6 points matching the 9 agility. Forcing him to move one ship first, then human then hecate.

NOTE TO SELF – when points are assigned the side with higher advantage in init only needs to match ship agility to move last. Side with lower initiative MUST increase to BEAT other ships agility.

All ships move to max low speed.

All ships well outside of long range. So only missiles are plausible option.

NOTE TO SELF – confused about this operation. Human missiles are listed as EX, Hecate listed as L. Also unsure about measuring distances. Total movement points between ships is 20 and 22 respectively. Which would result in full PD usage OR do I measure in respective noted distance (what is EX for human? I will assume long) I think the cards are mislabeled – directions show torpedos at medium and missiles at long range, will go with this.

Human 5 times long away from target 7-5=2 hecate can only use 2 PD?
Hecate 7 times medium dist from human target 7-7=0 humans can use all PD

NOTE TO SELF – this makes no sense. The further out the target is the more PD a target should be able to move. 7-7=0 seems right, 7-5=2 is wrong. For instance if the hecate were only 2 long range measures away the equation would be 7-2=5 allowing 5 PD used, it should be switched. I am going to play this differently and allow the targeted vessel to use number of pd EQUAL to the total number of measured ranges – hecate use 5 each and humans use 8. This shows that the longer range missile is also quicker.

Human commander uses difficult target as admiral ability, hecate commander does same on ship 2

Humans launch 2 missiles at hecate cruiser 2 and hecate launch 4 torpedos at human
human uses all PD (8)
two fives, one 6

hecate pd -five 5, one 6

all miss and torps destroyed
see end turn 1 pic

turn 2
human initiative 3
hecate initiative 1

The humans narrowly gain the initiative on this round and choose to go second. The hecate put their single point into cruiser one for agility but the human with three points to spend easily overcomes the opposing ships agility.

Both hecate cruisers move in closer bumping up to cruise speed.

The human cruiser also moved to max cruise speed attempting to get out of the forward firing arc of one of the hecate cruisers

He barely makes it but will it help? Only time will tell....

The human once again use the improved defense admiral ability but the hecate commander opts to use accurate fire on cruiser one

All ships are still outside long range for normal weapons and opt to fire all missiles and torpedos again

Human distance to targer (cruiser 2) is 2 so only 2 PD can be used fires 4 missiles at hecate 2

hecate cruiser two to human is 3 (med range) fires 4 torps at mars
hecate cruiser one to human is 5 (short range due to accuracy) fires 2 torps at mars only due to ship position

have to quit to go get the kids – might try again tonight....

gaming experience not fun from not understanding missiles and points defense. Had to reread so often to try and understand....
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Old 02-12-2010, 03:46 PM
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You didn't read the F version, my friend:

"Missiles and Torpedoes work in a different manner. They don’t have maximum distance. Just count the distance with the proper ruler and subtract that number from seven. That is the number of Point Defense weapons that can fire to hit against that missile or torpedo. If the number subtracted is zero or negative, it means that all PD weapons can be fired against the Missiles or Torpedoes.
This is the gaming mechanism to simulate the time that a ship has for target acquisition against an incoming salvo. If the salvo is fired at short distance, the target ship has less time to defend itself. A ship can fire that number of PD weapons to each coming warhead up to its maximum number of PD weapons. To hit a torpedo or missile a PD weapon must roll 5 or 6 on a D6.
All ships that are at PD range of the target ship can shoot against the incoming Missiles or Torpedoes using the rules above. This is a reason to maintain a fleet united."
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Old 02-12-2010, 04:09 PM
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That IS the rule I read and it does not make sense to me at all.

a human ship fires a missile at a hecate cruiser the humans missile has range of long so I use long measurement ruler to measure the distance

scenario 1 - human unit is 5 measures away (using long range ruler) from hecate - 7-5=2 so the hecate can use 2 PD against the missile

scenario 2 the human unit is 1 measure away from the hecate so 7-1=6 so the hecate can use 6 PG against the missile.

In scenario 2 the units are much closer together but as per the equation they get to use MORE PD.

It should simply count up to your max of 7

if they are one measure apart then defender can use one point PD
2 measures=2 points pd
3 measures=3 points pd
7 measures and above allow all pd to be used
etc etc etc

make sense?
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Old 02-12-2010, 04:36 PM
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Damn! I revised it in my docs and not in the official doc. Sorry, Chris! The new rule is the number of PD to fire is the number of ruler distances from the firer... I'm going to change that in no time.
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Old 02-12-2010, 04:42 PM
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ok, cool and just to make sure I understand if the range on the missile is long then you measure increments using the long measurement ruler right?

Also in my two rounds almost finished the points defense seems a little over powered compared to the missiles/torps. might just be that I didnt get too far in
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Old 02-12-2010, 04:45 PM
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No believe me. It isn΄t. I started with 6 on a D6 and rapidly changed it to 5 or 6.
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Old 02-12-2010, 05:01 PM
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hope to play again over the weekend. I will try and get a little cheat sheet made up based on what I had to keep going back and forth about.
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