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Scott K Scott K is offline



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  • Join Date: 06-30-2007
  • Referrals: 4


Scott K's Downloads
  Filename Total Downloads Rating Files Uploaded Last Updated
Hawaii Mars 2013 Scissors and Planes
Here's a minor repaint of the Hawaii Mars, in what I think is the latest version of it's fire-bomber colours. The black panels have been added to the wing upper surfaces to mask the exhaust stains, an...
269 0 1 10-20-2015, 04:16 PM 12-03-2015, 10:53 AM
Moonbase Alpha Launch Pad V1.1a.pdf
A basic Space: 1999 Moonbase Alpha Launch Pad. Includes 2 "Hako" style Eagles.
400 0 1 12-02-2013, 10:11 AM 12-02-2015, 01:22 AM
Mars Lander Rev.1
Slight revsion of my 1/700 Von Braun Mars Lander(aka Landing Boat). I lightened up the blue color to more closely match the Collier's artwork. Also added a missing stripe on the Ascent Stage, and miss...
324 0 1 10-06-2012, 05:40 PM 11-07-2015, 11:56 PM
96th Ascent Stage Rev.1
A slightly revised copy of the 1/96th scale version of my Von Braun Mars Lander's Ascent Stage.
278 0 1 10-06-2012, 05:29 PM 09-17-2015, 04:55 AM
Santa Star
My old Santa Star, inspired by a stuffed toy won from a crane game back in 2003. A simplified version was posted by Mike H. at the Peace In Paper site.

Merry Christmas!
96 0 1 12-07-2011, 12:40 PM 10-21-2015, 08:39 AM
Gomidefilho's Battlestar Galactica Original Series Cylon Basestar. Final Beta version with lines, Pepakura Viewer needed to view and print. Zipped file.
749 0 1 10-09-2009, 10:43 AM 11-11-2015, 01:02 PM

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