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Old 12-02-2012, 04:04 AM
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1/72 scale polish tug 'taurus'

after the 1950's 'klimek', started another more modern tug. based on the pro-model 1/100 scale taurus. since the approach on this one is to use the kit as template, i enlarged and printed out a b&w copy on 140lb/.42mm cardstock. scoured the internet and luckily found many photos including two really useful panoramic ones, as well as a general plan of the boat. intention is to add as much detail as possible. the goal for this project is a clean crisp build (learned a lot on the 'klimek'). hope to keep this thread going. all comments welcome. anyway this is what i have so far...

all set to go
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the spine is 3 layers of .42mm card, the ribs 2 layers, all hardened and glued with thin ca
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the fit is nice and tight after sanding and filing the slots
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the hull sides. i find the flex ruler useful for cutting gentle curves. won't work on sharp curves and the knife tends to dig into the soft plastic if not careful. anyone have a better ides?
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chopped off the bottom of the hull since i like waterline models
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cut out the deck. on this part decided to try minwax wood hardner to harden the card. 2 layers of .42 mm card glued together. minwax is wattery so soaks into the card very well but requires multiple coats. has toluene so i use a respirator to be safe. didn't turn out as stiff as ca but works. much cheaper than thin ca. 1 pint about $10.00
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assembling the anchor housing. wanted to try lego bricks to build a jig. first attempt worked well. the parts fit nice and square. don't know if this method will work with all parts but was fun playing with the bricks, i must admit. by the way my home-made glue applicator in the background.
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the glu applicator is an ordinary sewing needle with the eye ground off
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sides attached to the hull. using squadron green putty to fill in some gaps. anyone know the difference between the green and the white?
next episode to follow...
Attached Thumbnails
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Old 12-02-2012, 10:04 AM
Don Boose's Avatar
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Always glad to watch a tug being built.

Your workspace is excellent and your work so far is certainly crisp and clean.

You have provided some useful info on technique and have asked some questions that I can't answer, but the answers to which I await with interest.

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Old 12-02-2012, 02:34 PM
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thanks don. i am fairly proud of the workbench, especially in being able to recycle some corrugated cardboard packing material from work for the shelving. the bench is also an old desktop with ikea legs and and drawers from goodwill! i raised the bench to about 31" to make it easier on my back (suggestion from old wood modelmaking book)
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Old 03-31-2013, 12:11 AM
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Smile 1/72 scale polish tug 'taurus'

hello all,

been a few months since the last update. making slow but steady progress:
started on the superstructure
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painted the inside black, as background to the windows
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will get back to the hull/superstructure later
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i like to build inside out, so starting on the wheelhouse interior. planning on adding as much detail as possible, so several months of work ahead
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cutting out and gluing the all the individual pieces (i don't like folding). since i am hardening everything with ca it's easy enough to fill gaps and sand
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three of the 5 consoles
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adding details to the winch and/or crane control.
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'rubber' boot for the joystick, made from milliput. styrene tube for the stick itself
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moving on to the captains chair. miliput to the rescue again. love this stuff. so easy to sand, shape and polish
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i have a question at this point. how do you guys deal with holding and cutting micro sized parts? i use a magnifying visor, surgical quality tweezers but still not happy with the quality of the finished pieces. trying build a micro sized disc sander with my dremel and researching how to do photoetching at home. would love hear your thoughts.

anyway episode 3 coming soon...

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Old 03-31-2013, 07:17 AM
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Originally Posted by a380 View Post
using squadron green putty to fill in some gaps. anyone know the difference between the green and the white?
next episode to follow...
As a practical matter, it seems the white tends to shrink less when used on plastic models. Beyond that, it may simply be that one or the other color offers better contrast to what color plastic you are applying it to.
Screw the rivets, I'm building for atmosphere, not detail.
later, F Scott W
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Old 12-13-2020, 08:21 PM
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seven years since i last posted on this thread! in between a lot of life events, detours into other models, and uneven progress on the 'taurus', updates fell on the wayside. well, schools out and winter hibernation has begun, so what better time than now to catch up. without further ado here's what i have managed to complete:

one of two main consols. drew the layout in illustrator based on photographs and a bit of imagination.
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experimented with diy photoetch. not great but ok from a distance.
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lots of little bits and pieces followed!
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one consol finished. i think!
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parts box
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some of the various electronics on board. again based on photographs and guesswork.
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some other interior fittings. fire extinguisher and ac vent.
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took over two years to finally finish the interior. doors and windows not included.
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don't want to run into photo limit so tbf...

Last edited by a380; 12-13-2020 at 08:31 PM.
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Old 12-13-2020, 09:12 PM
jyduchene jyduchene is offline
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Just found your thread today. Wonder build and details. Also appreciate the tips and techniques you describe. Your photos are top quality as well. Hope to see more of your work soon.

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Old 12-13-2020, 09:24 PM
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to continue: i had bought the emblaser 1 by now and what a lifesaver it has been! this is when i took a detour to build a model of the 'bristol 188' and parts for a diorama inspired by the movie 'porco rosso'. anyway back to the 'taurus'.

i neither have the skill nor the patience to hand-cut parts like this! emblaser to the rescue.
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soaking in thin ca
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thin sheet of clear polycarbonate between frames for each wheelhouse window.
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windows mounted and masked for painting the outside of the wheelhouse. the green and orange part is the roof.
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decided to tackle the mast next. basically, a styrene or wire core (can't remember which now) with laser cut card disc stacked up. thin ca and putty to smoothen things out. the support legs are styrene.
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the anemometer. again, wire core, paper discs and bits of styrene and brass.
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tried my hand at building a bending jig and soldering for this mast part.
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Making the ladder and cage were easy with the cutter.
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but most difficult parts so far to assemble!
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the running lights.
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the mast ready for painting.
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and finally finished!
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to be continued...
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Old 12-13-2020, 11:00 PM
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flash forward to 2020. over the summer break, i worked on the railing for the wheelhouse roof.
laser cut stanchions, wire handrails and assembly jigs.
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and a ladder
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finally, this week's output. Exterior platforms and stairs.
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all caught up! what's next...?
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Old 12-13-2020, 11:53 PM
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Superb work.

What scaled is it? Still 1/00 or have you enlarged it a bit more - it looks big!
The SD40 is 55 now!
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